Ready-to-Read has resources to help young minds stay active and engaged with their books!
Vetted by educational experts to adhere to the latest beginning reader guidelines, our Ready-to-Read leveled readers are designed to turn kids into confident readers. Featuring beloved classics, engaging nonfiction, and familiar characters, there’s a Ready-to-Read book for every child!

While your young reader is making their way through our vast array of Ready-to-Read titles, be sure to check out our collection of downloadable activity sheets to go along with the books. By making reading educational and fun, Ready-to-Read encourages emerging readers to reach for the stars, no matter their reading level.



Classroom Guide for Educators (All Levels)
Sticker Template Sheets
Parent Guide: Ready-to-Go
Parent Guide: Pre-Level One
Parent Guide: Level One
Parent Guide: Level Two
Parent Guide: Level Three
Reading Tips for Parents
Family Reading Chart

Downloadable ActivitieS


A Team Stays Together Maze
Angelina Ballerina Activities
More Angelina Ballerina Activities
Annie and Snowball Activities
Assorted Hero Dog Activities
Brownie and Pearl Matching Game
Bugs Coloring Sheet
Daniel Tiger Activity Sheet
Daniel Tiger Coloring Sheet
Eric Carle Maze
Friday the Scaredy Cat Activities
Hamster Holmes Activities
Henry and Mudge Activities
If You Love... Activity
Inch and Roly Coloring Sheet
Interrupting Cow Activity
Jason Tharp Activities
Katy Duck Activities
Living In... Activities
Mouse Activity
My First Activity
Our Universe Activity
Parker Curry Activity
PJ Masks Activities
PJ Masks Easter Activity
Ready, Jet, Go! Activities
Ready-to-Read Graphics Activities
Really Rotten Princess Image Search
Robin Hill School Activities
School of Fish Activity
Snoopy Maze Activity
Snoopy on the Moon Activities
Super Facts Activities
More Super Facts Activities
Trucktown Activities
Twinkle Activity
More Twinkle Activities
You Should Meet John Lewis Activity
ZooBorns Connect the Dots



Rising Star Certificate (Parents)
Star Certificate (Parents)
Superstar Certificate (Parents)
Megastar Certificate (Parents)
Rising Star Certificate (Educators)
Star Certificate (Educators)
Superstar Certificate (Educators)
Megastar Certificate (Educators)
All Certificates



You’re a Rising Star! E-Card
You’re a Reading Star!
You’re a Reading Superstar! E-Card
You’re a Reading Megastar! E-Card
I’m a Rising Star! E-Card
I’m a Reading Star! E-Card
I’m a Reading Superstar!
I’m a Reading Megastar!
All E-Cards